5 SEO Tactics For Quick Wins

It can be difficult to know which SEO tactics to follow. There are a ton of things you could be doing, and prioritizing your time and resources is no easy feat.

That’s why we wanted to write a post about some “quick wins.” Implement any of these five SEO tactics and you are on the right path to more website traffic.

Let’s take a look at them now.

5 SEO Tactics For Quick Wins

1) Use a tool to find broken links

This is a quick way to earn more backlinks to your website. It’s also beneficial for the site that fixes the broken link and puts you as a replacement. After all, they don’t want their readers to come across errors on their website and will likely be glad to replace it with a more current resource. 

The trick here is finding a broken link that a mention of your website could actually replace. You shouldn’t, for example, try to replace a broken link about content marketing agencies if your company only specializes in paid ads.

As we have mentioned numerous times in previous posts, Ahrefs is an awesome resource if you want the most bang for your buck. While it’s not the cheapest tool you’ll find ($99 per month) it’s also quite affordable if you want to take content marketing seriously. And most importantly, it will help you find a ton of broken links!

2) Write a roundup post each month

This is an easy way to get people to link to your website. That’s because your roundup will often be a list of the best resources, websites or companies for any given topic. And let’s be honest: pretty much anybody is willing to link to that on their website if you shine a good light on them. 

Plus, as an added bonus, roundup posts are also a great opportunity for you to start building relationships. Sites and companies appreciate the mention and it opens the door to potential partnerships or collaboration opportunities down the road.

What exactly you write about is completely up to you. Examples from our own blog include the best digital design blogs to follow as well as our favorite design tools. This is not only a way to help our audience with solid recommendations, but will likely get us more backlinks in the long run. This is an SEO tactic that shouldn’t be missed!

3) Get the metadata right on your website

While this is one of the easier SEO tactics to fix, metadata is an area that a lot of companies with less advanced SEO strategies struggle with. That’s because they often think it’s enough to simply put up content on their website and hope for the best.

The truth is, while awesome content will always perform better than bad content, it’s only content that is formatted correctly that will maximize its potential. Your many efforts at content marketing will almost assuredly underperform if the content you create doesn’t meet certain requirements.

This is where metadata comes in. Thankfully, this is far less complicated than it sounds. Use a plug-in in like Yoast to make sure you get the basics right and then read this post on metadata for more background on the topic.

4) Target keywords that have potential for “productability”

During keyword research, most businesses focus on two things: volume of the search and difficulty of the keyword. While this is a great start,  they aren’t the only categories businesses should consider when planning content.

Just as important is how well you can connect the content topic with your product or service. While this has numerous names, let’s call it “productability.” You want to be able to make a natural transition from the content topic to offering your own paid solution. If you only focus on traffic and difficulty of the keyword, the ability to do this is far from guaranteed.

After all, focusing on only the first will drive more traffic to your website…but there’s no promise that this traffic will result in more sales. You want people that are ready to buy. Targeting content topics that allow you to introduce your company as a natural solution to your audience’s pain points is how you do this, and focusing on the “productability” of your content is a great way to start.

5) Make your page load time faster

Speed has become one of the most important SEO factors in recent years. Simply put, it doesn’t matter how good your content is (or how much help you provide) if your pages take too long to load. Not only will people not stick around to wait, but Google and other search engines will penalize you for slow load times. 

It’s worth the time and effort to make your website as fast as possible. Thankfully there are some quick fixes that you can implement in service of this SEO tactic. Check out the tools here, and don’t forget to consider Google PageSpeed.

There are also certain things you should avoid on your website. This includes too many non-optimized images or elements that generally slow down load times. Check out this article for more information.

Are you an enterprise, nonprofit or small business looking for help on your website? Give us a shout! We provide a free consultation. Email us at info@lughstudio.com or call us at (718) 855-1919!

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