Running Google Ads: 4 Tips For Success

Running Google Ads can be one of the best decisions you make for your business.

It puts your business in front of qualified potential customers, and can often result in a huge return on investment.

While a complete guide to Google Ads is out of the scope of this article, today we’ll be covering some main tips for Google Ads success.

Tips For Running Google Ads

Pick the right keywords.

This is potentially the most important thing to get right when running Google Ads. Get it wrong and nothing else matters.

The right keyword is a good combination of high volume and low competition.

This is a huge topic, and I recommend you check out this guide for more information.

Define your goal correctly.

Google Ads allows you to pick one of several goals for your ad campaigns.

Discuss with your team before you do: what is your main goal here?

What is your primary objective?

While most people would pick “more online sales,” more email signups can be useful if you have advanced email marketing. Make sure you take this Google Ad tip seriously: even if your ad is wonderful, the incorrect goal can be your downfall.

Define your target audience.

This step will determine who is actually shown your ad.

While it’s easy to think that you already know who to target here, you might be surprised. Detailed audience research is important if you want to get this step right. You can do this in a number of ways, whether on social media platforms or reading online product reviews.

You can also create buyer personas to narrow your audience.

Make (and split test) a great ad.

Sounds easy, right?

Unfortunately, this Google Ads tip is far more complex than you might think. If you want a high conversion rate, your entire ad needs to be spot on.

And not only through a good understanding of best advertising practices…but split testing anything you can.

Implement These Google Ads Tips For Each Ad You Run

While the topic itself is complex, following this framework will set you up for success.

Do it successfully, and you get more leads, win more business, and make more money.

Are you looking for help growing your online business or nonprofit? Give us a shout! We provide a free consultation. Email us at!

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