Digital Marketing Strategy Series: Video

Now that we’ve covered updating your website and leveraging your social media accounts, it’s time to talk video. In the world of digital marketing, video reigns supreme. In fact, 83% of marketers believe that video is becoming increasingly important since face-to-face interaction is limited. 

Now, with more people home and online, nonprofit organizations can really take this time to spruce up content by adding video elements. Create short, sweet, and personable videos that will grab your audience’s attention and gain trust with potential donors. Making this personalized content will help you build a stronger relationship with your audience, and therefore bring in more donations overall. 

Benefits of personalized videos include:

  1. Increased engagement
  2. Stronger relationships and connections
  3. Higher click through rate
  4. Better overall understanding of your organization and cause

Need help creating stand-out video content? Contact us for a free consultation.

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