virtual nonprofit conferences

5 Virtual Nonprofit Conferences To Attend

Virtual nonprofit conferences can be a great opportunity for your organization. Not only do they allow you to connect with influential names in the nonprofit space, but are a great chance to learn valuable skills that will directly improve your fundraising efforts.

Below you will find five of the best virtual nonprofit conferences you might consider. These all happen over the last few months of 2023, so there’s still time to plan your attendance.

5 Virtual Nonprofit Conferences To Consider

1) Generosity Xchange

Generosity Xchange is a two-day virtual conference led by Neon One, a leading figure in nonprofit technology. The event serves as a great opportunity for fundraisers across the nonprofit landscape to learn from others, as well as forge meaningful connections with fellow nonprofit professionals, all while refining their fundraising prowess.

The 2023 event will feature a solid lineup of sessions from numerous prominent figures in the field. Among these luminaries are:

  • Mallory Erickson, the CEO and Founder of Mallory Erickson Coaching
  • Rachel D’Souza, the visionary Founder and Principal of Gladiator Consulting
  • Michelle Muri, an influential force as the Founder of Freedom Conspiracy and the Host of The Ethical Rainmaker Podcast.

These voices are just a fraction of everybody you can hope to hear from.

Integral to the conference is the deep dive into Neon One’s suite of software tools. Attendees can expect interactive workshops, immersive how-to sessions tailored for Neon One’s clientele, and an exclusive glimpse into the latest features of their software. 

Generosity Xchange (even if you don’t plan on using Neon One’s tools) is a great opportunity for your nonprofit to elevate their fundraising journey. Whether it’s delving into industry-leading practices, or simply experiencing the exciting sparks of inspiration, attendees will likely learn something that will allow them to thrive in the world of nonprofit fundraising.

2) Nonprofit Marketing Summit

This is a biannual congregation that serves as a vibrant hub for nonprofit professionals seeking the cutting edge of digital strategies in the realm of marketing and fundraising. 

Each iteration takes a different theme, and this year will be aptly named “Radical Impact.” Over the span of three days, over 25,000 attendees will experience a curated selection of 75+ high-value sessions. These workshops are meticulously designed to offer actionable next steps, providing attendees with a roadmap to amplify their fundraising and marketing efforts.

Nonprofit Marketing Summit has a reputation for efficiency. There isn’t so much fluff, but rather suggestions for what you can immediately implement at your own organization for quick results. Looking to refine your skills and get training to take your marketing and fundraising chops to the next level? This is the virtual nonprofit conference for you!

General admission to the summit is offered free of charge. That said, you also have the chance to purchase a “VIP Pass.” This gets you access to session recordings that you can review once the summit is over. Do you work on a large team and want to take the time systematically going through (and implementing) your learnings in the future? If so, the VIP pass is certainly something to consider. 

3) The Nonprofit Social Media Summit

We all know that social media marketing can have great results for your nonprofit. But what do you have to do to systematize your results? And how can you 10x the results that you’re already getting?

That’s where the Nonprofit Social Media Summit comes in. This two-day conference is an invaluable opportunity for both seasoned champions of nonprofit social media and eager marketing novices. It fosters an environment of growth, learning, and cutting-edge strategy refinement. And not just vague affirmations that social media is worth your time – but in-depth tutorials showing you how to make sure it is. 

Here are just two examples: 

  • An exclusive tutorial on Reels conducted by none other than Meta’s own experts painted a vibrant canvas of future-forward social media prowess
  • An informative session on effectively using TikTok, spotlighting the art of cultivating an audience on TikTok and how to keep them engaged
  • The “flash sessions” segment, a collection of 6-minute talks covering topics as varied as the nuances of cryptocurrency and social media accessibility for different audiences

Just like the Nonprofit Marketing Summit, the Nonprofit Social Media Summit has two options for admission. The first (a free general admission ticket) will give you access to just about everything: live keynotes, sessions, immersive workshops, and various networking experiences. 

The second option (a $199 VIP ticket) will, as expected, provide you with all recorded sessions and slide decks. The big difference? This premium ticket also gives you a golden opportunity—a live training session with social media expert Julia on the topic of crafting a social media marketing calendar.

4) Raise

A fundraising innovation by OneCause, Raise aims to be a conference centered around knowledge and inspiration. The aim? To empower nonprofit professionals, facilitating connections, fostering growth, and igniting the sparks of inspiration that fuel impactful change.

Raise is a great event to attend because of the variety of their sessions. These include topics like:

  • Peer-to-peer campaigning and how to set it up for maximum effectiveness
  • Donor engagement and how to ensure you are always building up relationships
  • The power of storytelling and the most effective techniques you need to keep in mind

As a conference, Raise’s format is hybrid. Not only do you have the chance to attend in person, but they make it available online as well. This means you have a choice: the networking events and live sessions while in person, or the convenience of online? 

If you want to amplify your fundraising strategies, Raise is one of the virtual nonprofit conferences you won’t want to miss!

5) International Fundraising Congress

Hosted by The Resource Alliance, the International Fundraising Congress is perhaps the most unique virtual nonprofit conference on our list. It takes place in the Netherlands, but also has a virtual component to it.

Here are just a few of the broad topics that International Fundraising Congress tends to cover:

  • Climate action
  • Human rights
  • Democracy
  • Peace

With this diversity, you can be assured that the talks and workshops will appeal to just about every kind of nonprofit. And not just that – attendees frequently remark it’s the most inspirational and inspiring event they attend over the course of the year. If you are looking to improve your own fundraising efforts, the International Fundraising Congress is a worthy candidate.

In addition, the IFC has a segment of the event called  “Big Debates.” This is essentially  a forum in which the challenges faced by the sector take center stage. This might include anything from building an audience to the opportunities presented by artificial intelligence. These debates ensure that you aren’t only “inspired”, but come away with ideas on how to optimize your fundraising.

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