How to set up Text-to-Donate features

How To Set Up Text-To-Donate Features

As mobile usage continues to increase, text-to-donate features have become an increasingly popular way for non-profit organizations to raise funds. These features allow donors to give to a non-profit by simply sending a text message. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore what text-to-donate features are, why they’re important for your non-profit, and how to set them up.

What Are Text-To-Donate Features?

Text-to-donate features allow donors to make a contribution to a nonprofit organization by simply sending a text message. This process is simple, fast, and convenient, which is why it has become an increasingly popular part of a solid nonprofit marketing plan.

The process is straightforward: a donor sends a text message with a specific keyword to a designated number, and the donation amount is automatically added to the donor’s phone bill or charged to their credit card.

One such example of a successful text-to-donate campaign comes from the American Red Cross. In 2010, this organization raised over $32 million for Haiti earthquake relief – all through texts.

By incorporating text-to-donate features into their fundraising strategies, nonprofits can tap into the growing trend of mobile donations. This not only makes it easier for donors to contribute, but allows the organization to reach a wider overall audience.

Why Text-To-Donate Features Are Important For Your NonProfit

As we’ve already seen, text-to-donate campaigns can be effective. But what is the main reason for their success?

Here are just four reasons:

Increased donor engagement

The main appeal of text-to-donate features is how easy they make donating. Simply put, because they make the entire process (literally) the click of a button, the process is simplified and increases overall donor engagement. By offering a quick and convenient donation option, you can encourage more people to contribute, which can lead to increased donor retention rates. 

Additionally, depending on timing, text-to-donate campaigns can be used to create a sense of urgency. This can encourage donors to give immediately to support a specific cause or fundraising goal. Overall, text-to-donate features prioritize convenience and immediacy – both highly convincing factors when dealing with donors. 

Improved fundraising efficiency

Text-to-donate features also streamline the donation process. Unlike some inefficient donation methods that require time-consuming paperwork or manual processing, text-to-donate features automatically collect donor information and process transactions. This can save a ton of time and reduce administrative costs. 

The result? Your organization can redirect resources towards other fundraising efforts or program activities, improving your overall fundraising outcomes in the process.

Access to new donor demographics

Every nonprofit wants to reach new potential donors with each campaign. New donor demographics represent the possibility for better results, larger fundraisers, and a “snowball effect” for future efforts.

Thankfully, this is exactly what text-to-donate features are capable of providing. Younger donors are more likely to use mobile devices for donations than traditional methods like mail or phone. Their overall use of phones is also much higher than older donors. This means that by offering a text-to-donate option, you can attract younger donors and provide them with a way to contribute to your organization that is tailored to their preferences.

Real-time data collection and analytics

You can only improve what you decide to measure. This is one of the biggest benefits of text-to-donate features: real-time date and a range of actionable analytics. Compare this to more traditional models of fundraisers, which often are more of a shot in the dark.

By monitoring the response rates of your text-to-donate campaigns, you can adjust your messaging and strategy to improve outcomes. Additionally, you can collect valuable data about donor behavior, including how much they give and how frequently they donate. This data can be used to develop targeted marketing campaigns or personalized outreach strategies, improving your donor engagement and fundraising results.

How To Set Up Text-To-Donate Features

The process is actually quite easy, assuming you start with the right provider.

Here’s a 6-step process for setting up text-to-donate features:

1) Choose a text-to-donate provider

The first step in setting up text-to-donate features is choosing a provider that offers the services you need. Look for a provider that has experience working with nonprofits and offers a user-friendly platform with transparent pricing. Our number one recommendation? 

Fundraise Up. While the platform itself doesn’t send text messages, it easily integrates with other solutions that do. Be sure to check out more of Fundraise Up’s features.

2) Register your campaign with your provider

Once you’ve selected a provider, you’ll need to register your text-to-donate campaign. This involves providing basic information about your non-profit, setting up a campaign keyword, and determining the donation amount and message.

3) Promote your campaign

Next, you’ll need to promote your text-to-donate campaign to your supporters. Use a variety of marketing channels to spread the word about your campaign and encourage people to participate. This can include email, social media as well as your website.

4) Monitor your campaign

As your campaign progresses, it’s important to monitor things to see how it’s performing. Use your provider’s dashboard to track donations and engagement, and make adjustments as needed to optimize your campaign’s success.

5) Say thank you

This step is one of the most-forgotten (yet essential) parts of the process. You need to thank your supporters for their contributions – no way around it. Be sure to send them a personalized message, thanking them for their support and keeping them informed about the impact of their donation.

6) Evaluate your campaign

Once your campaign is complete, evaluate its success. Review your campaign data to determine how many donations were made, how much was raised, and how your campaign performed compared to your goals. This step is essential, because your findings will allow you to refine your strategy and improve your fundraising efforts moving forward.

Are you an enterprise, nonprofit or small business looking for help on your website? Give us a shout! We provide a free consultation. Email us at or call us at (718) 855-1919!

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