The Most Important Email Automations For New Clients
digital design
Often, new email automations for clients are one of the first things your agency will be responsible for. This is true for just about every business you can imagine.
The purpose of today’s post is to get you ready to take over a client’s email marketing, and to be able to confidently deliver results for them. Follow the tips included and your client will love the automations you set up for them!
4 Reasons Email Automations For New Clients Are So Important
For a deep dive into the subject , check out our ultimate guide to email marketing. This will give you everything you need to know about email marketing so you can get started on the right foot. However, if you are setting up email automations for clients, it helps to know why they are so important before getting started.
Here are just a few reasons:
1) Email marketing has a huge ROI
This has become somewhat cliché in ecommerce, but it’s cliché for a reason. The fact is, email marketing has a higher ROI than just about every other marketing channel you might invest time and effort into.
Think about it. If people are on your list, they will certainly receive your message (assuming your deliverability is good). Get good enough at writing emails and they will even look forward to what you have to say.
2) Your client is spending their time elsewhere
Email is one of those things that are extremely important but hardly ever urgent. What this means is that while email has the potential to contribute in a big way to your business long term, more “pressing matters” (client calls, content creation, etc.) often take priority.
3) Automations put selling and relationship building on auto pilot
Your clients often put email on the backburner. Your client justifiably has other things to attend to, but is likely leaving a ton of money on the table if they aren’t.
The difference with automations is that you only have to set them up once. Sure, you can go back and update them when needed, but effective email automations for clients truly are “set it and forget it.” This means all the benefits that come from good email marketing are constantly running in the background, regardless of whatever else your client has going on.
4) Many of your clients business processes are likely tied to email
That’s right. Regardless of what your client sells, email likely pays a fundamental role to their business success. That’s because it’s a direct line to the people most likely to buy from them: their email subscribers.
Plus, even if your client doesn’t directly sell over email, there is a good chance they at least provide useful information via their list. Email therefore represents a great chance to improve your client’s communication with their audience (and all the benefits that come from that).
The 4 Most Important Email Automations For Clients
While there are a ton of email automations you could set up for every conceivable business, there are three automations that provide the most bang for their book. Below we list which four these are, why they are important, and some tips to follow for making sure each one performs.
1) Welcome sequence
Why it’s important: People joining your client’s list are likely more interested in the brand than they ever will be. This is the time to build that connection immediately.
How to make it the best for your client: Because new subscribers are looking for connection, the welcome sequence can really benefit from an origin story. You might also include a “subscriber only” discount code to take advantage of people’s heightened motivation after they’ve signed up for an email list.
2) Abandon cart sequence
Why it’s important: Brands lose billions of dollars every year through products that are added to online carts but never actually bought. Think about your own online buying habits. How many times have you added something to a cart, only to completely forget it and never follow through on purchasing?
How to make it the best for your client: Frequent reminders are the name of the game with these automations. People need to be reminded numerous times about what they were planning on buying. You might also consider giving people a discount. This could very well be the extra push they need to finally make a buying decision.
3) Upsell sequence
Why it’s important: The easiest person to convince to buy something is somebody a few moments after they have just bought something else. This makes upsell sequences one of the most profitable email automations for clients. Neglect this one and you are likely leaving a ton of potential revenue on the table.
How to make it the best for your client: You want to offer people something that actually matches what they just agreed to buy. Think about your client’s other products and what could make a good addition to their audience’s various purchases. You might also send them information about why this product matches so well with what they just bought.
4) Reengagement sequence
Why it’s important: As profitable as email subscribers are, it’s quite common for people to become less active over time. Maybe they click through less emails, or perhaps they haven’t even opened one the last few months. Regardless of the reason, periodic “cleansing” of inactive subscribers is essential for overall list health. Treat re engagement emails as a “last chance” before you take people off the list.
How to make it the best for your client: Figure out what qualifies as “unengaged.” Once yo have, send a few emails reminding people of why they joined your client’s list in the first place. If they still don’t respond, it might be time to manually unsubscribe them. You can also consider lead scoring to make this process less subjective.
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