Digital Recruitment: Everything You Need To Know
digital design
Let’s be honest: most of recruitment these days is digital.
And that’s a good thing for everyone involved. It makes it easier for employees to find the job they are looking for, and makes it easier for companies to hire them.
But what about a system for digital recruitment? How do you set one up so you can hire the right talent, and what are the most important steps that you need to take?
Why is Digital Recruitment Important?
Let’s start with the obvious: recruitment is different these days than in the past. For one, the vast majority of job searchers will begin the process online. If they are looking for a new job, internet job portals are often the first place they will go.
That’s not to say there’s not a place for networking and job fairs. These “in person” methods of recruitment are still alive and well.
But digital? Well, that’s the vast majority of your potential hires.
So what does that mean for your business? Neglect the process of digital recruitment, and your best talent is going to go elsewhere.
Secondly, just as competition for new jobs has increased among applicants, it’s also more difficult for businesses to find the right employees in the first place.
Everybody wants to work at the most well known companies. They are the ones that can afford to pay the highest salaries, as well as provide the most attractive perks.
This means competition for you, and an effective digital recruitment strategy is how you make your company an attractive option. It’s how you find the workers that are going to bring your company forward.
Neglect it and your company will pay the price.
5 Tips to Get Better at Digital Recruitment
Now that you know how important a digital recruitment strategy is, let’s go over some of the main tactics you need to pay attention to.
Of course, this isn’t an exhaustive list. Just as digital marketing is always changing, so too are the best and most effective digital recruitment strategies.
You should always be learning. Still, treat these five tactics as the ones that are most important to success.
1) Post regular content.
This is the first thing you need to attend to when optimizing your digital recruitment. That’s because a good content strategy has a host of benefits for your online presence. Not only does it get you found with its effects on SEO, but it also gives you authority through the education you provide.
People see the value that you provide, and website visitors associate it with expertise. As a result, people naturally take you more seriously and are more likely to apply for a job as a result.
Content is also a way of filtering people out. By having a deliberate content strategy in place, you are showing web visitors the topics that your company is most concerned with. This gives interested applicants an idea of what their job responsibilities would be, even before clicking on one of your job ads.
Treat content, then, as a way of attracting the right fit for any open positions.
2) Stay active on social media.
Effective social media marketing is essential to effective digital recruitment. They are one of the first places that potential hires will look when considering applying to your company.
In addition, your social media content is a great opportunity for you to shape what people think of your brand.
So what sort of things should you be posting on your social media accounts? While the platform itself doesn’t really matter, the content certainly does. Here are some ideas of content that naturally help your digital recruitment:
3) Optimize your website for potential applicants.
The main point of your website is not to attract new workers; it’s to attract potential customers.
But that doesn’t mean that it can’t do both. One of those roles can (and should) be to make applying to your company a breeze.
What does this mean in practice? Well, make it very clear when you are accepting applications. This shouldn’t just be on your “Apply” page – put it everywhere. It goes without saying that any job ads on your website should also be clear.
Where do they need to go to see more?
Where should they navigate to read more about your company?
What button leads them to your team’s pictures?
Make sure these details are all extra clear to web visitors. You never know who is on your website, and you have no idea which page they will land on. A clean and well functioning website is a good sign for top talent: nobody wants to work for a company who has a sloppy online presence.
4) Be very clear how your recruitment process works.
Nobody likes an application process that is unclear or unprofessional. It gives applicants a negative image of your company, and can result in negative reviews down the line.
In fact, this is actually one of the biggest complaints applicants have. An unclear hiring process not only wastes their time; it also shows a lack of respect from your company.
So be clear. Be friendly. Tell them exactly what happens at every stage of the process, as well as how long they can expect to wait before hearing back after an interview.
They will not only appreciate you for it, but your company will build a reputation for being pleasant to interact with.
Even by people who don’t get the job!
5) Get positive online reviews.
What’s one of the most important pieces of information your future employees will search for? That’s right: what your past employees think about working for you.
They will usually gather this information by reading online reviews on sites like Glassdoor. That’s why it’s so important to get positive reviews.
There are a number of ways you can go about collecting your reviews. You could incentivize your workers to leave reviews regularly, for example. You could also make it a regular part of their “one year anniversary tasks to be done.”
Regardless, positive reviews will always help!
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