data analytics to improve marketing

How To Use Data Analytics To Improve Your Marketing

Ever wondered how you can use data analytics to improve your marketing? You’ve come to the right place!

Today we cover four reasons data analytics is so important, and ten ways it can improve your marketing. By the end of this post you’ll understand how to improve your organization’s marketing based on simple data.

Let’s get started!

4 Benefits Of Using Data Analytics In Marketing

1) Enhanced Targeting and Personalization

Data analytics gives you insight into the demographics and preferences of your audience. This gives you an understanding of them like few other things can. The result of this understanding? Highly targeted campaigns that resonate with each specific group. This usually drives better engagement and overall customer satisfaction.

2) Improved Decision-Making

Have you ever made a business decision just based on a feeling? There’s certainly something to be said for trusting your gut. That said, over the long run, numbers don’t lie. With access to the real-time information of data analytics, you can make quick and informed decisions. This is essential for your entire team to be able to do their jobs well. It also results in improvement across the board.

3) Predictive Insights

What if you could accurately predict how your audience was going to act, or anticipate specific market trends? With advanced data analytics, you can. Predictive analytics tools such as IBM Watson allow you to forecast future outcomes based on historical data. This foresight lets you stay ahead of the competition.

4) Measurable Success

You need to be able to actually measure the success of your marketing efforts. This is the only way you know what to double down on – and what to cut. Through data analytics, every click and conversion can be tracked. This provides you with a clear picture of how you are doing. It also gives you clear insight on the ways in which you can improve.

10 Ways to Use Data Analytics To Improve Marketing

1) Audience Segmentation

The more specific your message is, the more effective it will be. With data analytics, this specificity is exactly what you get. For example, you can divide your audience into smaller, more targeted groups. These might be based on criteria like demographics, purchasing behavior, and interests. This enables tailored messaging. If you rely on email marketing, this is exactly what you need.

2) Customer Journey Mapping

There are a ton of benefits to knowing the exact journey your customer goes through before buying. You know everything they typically do before they make a purchase, and can create a more effective marketing process as a result. Data analytics is one way to improve this. For example, stats information from Google Analytics can show you which channels drive the most traffic. This shows you where to optimize their journey.

3) Content Optimization

Quality content marketing is fundamental to many businesses. Even so, sometimes your content (especially if it’s not backed by solid keyword research) misses the mark. Data analytics avoids this. Through data analytics, you understand what your audience responds best to, and can create more of it.

4) A/B Testing

You’ve heard it before: test everything. It’s cliche in the world of marketing, but it’s completely true. Constant testing is the only way to ensure you are constantly improving. Thankfully, data analytics makes sophisticated A/B testing of all your assets much easier. This can include everything from emails and landing pages to the ads you use.

5) Lead Scoring

Lead scoring is one of the most powerful ways to prioritize your most valuable leads.  The problem is it often falls short of being as effective as it can be. This is where data analytics can be tremendously useful. By analyzing past behavior and demographic data, you can identify leads that are more likely to become customers. This lets you direct most of your marketing efforts to them. It also sets you up for more sophisticated lead generation later on.

6) Paid Campaign Performance Tracking

Paid advertising can accelerate anything that’s already working with your marketing. But if you’re going to do it right, you need to approach it with an emphasis on data. Data analytics improves is an essential part of this. By keeping an eye on key metrics such as click-through rates and cost per acquisition, you can quickly adjust your campaigns. This allows you to improve results on the go.

7) SEO Performance Analysis

SEO is essential. Unfortunately, if you don’t take data analytics seriously, it’s impossible to get the SEO results that you are capable of. This is where using data analytics to improve marketing becomes essential. Tools like SEMrush and Moz can help you track essential data points like keyword rankings, backlinks, and on-page SEO factors. By using this data, are able to improve search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic.

8) Social Media Analytics

Social media marketing can have a number of benefits for your company. It’s where much of your audience spends time. Have even a small presence online and you can raise brand awareness. Plus, depending on the platform, social media can also spur great engagement. You just need to know which platforms your audience prefers! Tools like Hootsuite and help.

9) Customer Feedback Analysis

More than anything, using data analytics to improve marketing comes down to the people you are serving. If their experience isn’t improving, what’s the point? This is where data analytics comes in. By collecting and analyzing customer feedback, you are able to gain valuable insight into your audience. This leads to more informed decisions about product development and customer service improvements. Give SurveyMonkey if that sounds like something you want to try out.

10) ROI Tracking

Finally, consider using data analytics to track the ROI of your marketing efforts. Keep an eye on everything you do (again, Google Analytics is a good place to start), and you approach all your decisions with a “cost vs return” basis. This allows you to only spend money on things that are going to have a long term result. 

Are you an enterprise, nonprofit or small business looking for help on your website? Give us a shout! We provide a free consultation. Email us at or call us at (718) 855-1919! 

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