Virtual Conferencing: The New Norm For Event Organizers

Now is the time to adapt – not abandon. 

We’re seeing more businesses and event organizers launch their events online as opposed to canceling them.

While nothing will replace the unique benefits of face-to-face gatherings, virtual conferencing— if done correctly and thoughtfully — can yield powerful results. 

You’ll be glad to know there are proactive steps event organizers can take to ensure a seamless transition. From collaborating with stakeholders to mapping out procedures, informing attendees, and updating event collateral, now is the time to take swift, smart, and strategic action towards adapting to this new norm. 

Lúgh Studio is here to guide you through the process. We put together a comprehensive checklist for every event organizer in need of navigation, guidance or a helping hand. 

Our free checklist outlines the key components and asks questions regarding your event planning, strategy, setup, promotion and training, along with tips and best practices when making the virtual switch. 

Look for our logo next to the items we can help with!

Ready to plan your next virtual event? Our team of strategists, designers, and copywriters will assist you in preparation. Contact us for a free consultation.

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