4 Tips For Sending A Company Newsletter

4 Tips For Sending A Company Newsletter

Today we are covering why a company newsletter is such a great strategy for most businesses. We will also dive into five important tips for creating one. 

Keep in mind that nobody knows your business as well as you do. What the content of your newsletter looks like, then, is a personal decision. Still, regardless of your industry, our four tips today can benefit just about any company newsletter.

Why A Company Newsletter Is A Great Asset

A company newsletter is a great long term marketing asset for your company and can have a meaningful impact on your business’s profit.

First, newsletters generally make it easy to stay in contact with your audience. This builds your reputation as a brand that takes an interest in them (essential for lead generation in 2022). Done right, this can set you apart from bigger companies that treat people as numbers.

A company newsletter is also a fantastic opportunity to provide value to current and future customers. Depending on the content, your newsletter can provide tips or insight to your audience that you might not normally provide on other platforms.

Taken together, this contact and value builds a deeper connection with your individual subscribers over time. This builds trust, and makes it more likely that they say “yes” when it comes time to buy. 

Tips For Your Own Company Newsletter

Your newsletter can essentially be anything you want it to be. The design and formatting will be unique, and the tone of voice you use to write it can be as varied as the personalities of your team.

That said, there are a few fundamentals you should remember when creating one. Let’s cover four of them now.

1) Make it valuable or entertaining

Nobody wants to read a company newsletter that looks like it was put together last minute as an afterthought. This quickly gets ignored and can even contribute to a negative image of your brand. That’s why, if you’re going to commit to sending a company newsletter, you have to make it good. 

Real good. As this article shows, over 70 percent of people are subscribed to at least a few email lists. That’s a lot of competition for your audience’s attention. So make it something that stands out. 

This usually means one of two things for your company newsletter: it’s valuable, or it’s entertaining. This will obviously depend on your company and industry, but your subscribers need a reason to open your newsletter when it arrives in their inbox.

2) Make it consistent

One of the biggest benefits of a company newsletter is that it gets your audience in the habit of hearing from you. That’s why consistency with your schedule is so important when setting one up.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you have to send a newsletter every other day. Every few weeks is fine, and once a month is also a schedule many companies stick to. The most important thing here is simply sticking to the schedule that you set for yourself. Your audience should know when they are getting the next newsletter. After all, they are likely looking forward to it if it’s valuable, and you don’t want to disappoint!

That said, you probably don’t want to take too long between newsletters. Even if you are consistent, send it once every three months and likely your audience has forgotten about you. This is the value of being “top of mind” that we point out in our ultimate guide to content marketing.

So be consistent, but create your newsletter with a certain sense of expediency. After all, if you focus on the value you provide, there’s no limit to how often you can communicate!

3) Be personal

Your audience likely already gets a fair amount of content from you. They might also follow you on different platforms, and if they are a client of yours, get weekly communication from your team already.

Your newsletter is a chance for you to be different. To be more personal. It’s a chance for you to connect with your audience on a deeper level. 

So be sure to take advantage of it. Here are some ideas for how you can do that:

  • Tell stories
  • Share your successes and failures 
  • Document what exactly you are doing at your company

As I mentioned before, being personal can set you apart from other companies. It also builds trust, a fundamental component to creating more customers. After all, people don’t want to buy from faceless organizations. They are more comfortable purchasing from a company that feels like a friend and is genuinely there to help them. This is a feeling you can create through a more personal newsletter.

4) Tie it into your paid offers

Let’s be honest: as a business, there’s no use in sending a company newsletter if it’s not contributing to your bottom line. Thankfully, when done correctly, a newsletter is a great way to create new customers.

You are building trust, providing value, and positioning yourself as an authority in your niche. This is a formula for success. The natural next step, of course, is to show your subscribers how you can help them even more with your products and services.

There’s really no limit to the ways you can take your audience to the next step of “buying.” So get creative. At the minimum, you should have some call to action that lets your reader browse your offer. Maybe you include, for example, a link to a sales page at the bottom of every letter.

If you want to be more direct, you might also include direct sales links to your products. Assuming it fits with the theme of your newsletter, this can actually create a seamless buying experience. Of course, you want to do your research on how to monetize your newsletter. There are probably a ton of options that haven’t yet crossed your mind.

Are you an enterprise, nonprofit or small business looking for help on your website? Give us a shout! We provide a free consultation. Email us at info@lughstudio.com or call us at (718) 855-1919!

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